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Scottish Arms in the U.K. are under the governance of the Lord Lyon, King of Arm. They are more strictly regulated by law than armorial traditions in most other countries. While some countries allow use by all direct descendants, that is not the case in Scotland where a stricter Anglo-Norman system took root. In the U.K., Arms are held/owned by one person at a time and are their exclusive property for life. After a person's death, the Arms may matriculate down in an unaltered state to the next living heir or heiress, but not to other siblings or family members. Keeping in mind that Armorial Bearings were originally used for identification and to assert a “Claim of Right” to a certain social rank or geographical property, the logic behind such a tradition makes sense.

Many researchers over the years have concluded that the Rose Family of Scotland descended from the de Ros Barons of Helmsley who settled in Yorkshire England. They are believed to have come over from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066.

Some scholars have speculated that the first de Ros Arms were canting arms that related directly to the name due to a long-held Norman tradition. Elements of this tradition can also be seen in the Arms of our chief where three water-bouget are used as heraldic devices which were inherited from our Trusbutt ancestor who most likely adopted them during the first crusade. This means that the first Arms were most likely a variation on red roses. A later de Ros armorial that predates the Trusbutt inheritance is recorded as having three “Chaplets of Roses” which were similar to the Greystoke or Howard arms. The arms of our Chief first appeared after 1370:



These arms were not constant but did have the constant element of three water-bougets passing form generation to generation.


An example


To clarify on this point - Only our Clan Chief, Baron David Hugh Heriot Baird Rose, 26th of Kilravock, has current ownership of the historic Arms of Kilravock. Clan Rose International (CRI) has been granted permission to display our Chief's Arms for historical and educational use, but it is to be made clear to all, that CRI does not own or lay any claim to these Arms. We display these to show pride in our ancestors who lawfully held these Arms in the past. These Arms act as evidence of our Clan's ancient pedigree. Any other armorial bearing that CRI might use in a display or presentation falls under fair-use doctrine, so long as the Arms are being used in proper historical context and not infringing upon the rights or wishes of the current living owner of such Arms.

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Arms are being used in proper historical context and not infringing upon the rights or wishes of the current living owner of such Arms.

Heraldry of Kilravock

The historic Arms lawfully borne exclusively by our Current

Clan Chief David Hugh Heriot Baird Rose, 26th of Kilravock

@Copyright 2024 Clan Rose International all rights reserved

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